Sunday, 27 February 2011

Survival Island

In Weeks 1 and 2, Room 25 created their own 'Survival Island' in groups. The groups were called 'Searched Island', 'No-name Island', 'Haunted Duck Island', 'Ginger Ninja Island' and 'Raindrop Island'.
Over 5 days, the groups wrote in a log book what happened over the days that they were stranded on their island. Every day, the groups had a problem to solve and floatsam washed up ashore. Everone seemed to think that while stranded on an island, all they could eat were coconuts and that they just 'fell out of trees' and could be cracked open simply by being hit on a rock. In a class experiment, we found we had to use a cork-screw to get the milk out and a hammer to crack it open.
After a week of hard work making maps, writing in a log book and cracking open coconuts, Miss Puke announced the winners of the competition.
In 3rd place was 'Haunted Duck Island'. In 2nd was 'No-Name Island', and 'Searched Island' took out 1st place. The winners also recieved a coconut, which they had to open themselves.

A few of the log books

 Maps of two of the islands

One of the finished maps

 Another of the finished maps
A group filling out their log book

 Kasey and Fair working on their map
    Students drawing their island maps and writing in their log books

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